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Imagining the Lacuna: jyu4
Ink on paper, inscribed stele fragment
18 × 18 cm (framed 26 × 26 cm)

In the Imaging the Lacuna series, the artist reimagine the absent elements of the Chinese character of inscribed stele fragments and its imagery. The reassembled imagery is depicted and filled into the stone fragments to construct new possibilities of the absent elements. 

The Chinese character "禺" could have opposite meanings when combined with different characters. "日禺" is an expression of yore indicating the time before noon, whereas "禺谷" is a legendary place where the sun sets in "The Classic of Mountain and Seas (Shan Hai Jing)". The character "禺" itself hence has a vague indication of time.



18 × 18 cm(連框 26 × 26 cm)




Cited in

2023    馮以力,〈當代書法藝術的縱橫錯步——對各種發展進路之反思與相榷〉,載《橫山獎:2022橫山書藝研究與評論雙年獎》,桃園:桃園市立美術館,2023,頁218-237。 Fung, Y. L. (2023). The Crisscrossing of Contemporary Calligraphy—a Review of Developments and Possibilities. In Hengshan Awards: 2022 Hengshan Biennial Awards for Calligraphy Research and Criticism (1st ed., pp. 218-237). Taoyuan, Taiwan: Taoyuan Museum.

2022    張廷匡,表靈蘊真  積虛凝實  朱樂庭的水墨繪畫探索〉,載《美術家》,二〇二二年冬,第十六期,美術家出版社,頁57-62。 ( Louis Cheung Ting Hong, "Chu Lok Ting’s Exploration of Ink Painting", in Artist, Winter 2022, pp. 57-62. ) (Chinese only)

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